Alex Cornell du Houx, Co-Founder and President
After Alex was elected to the Maine House of Representatives, he became one of its most active members, sponsoring and co-sponsoring 155 bills his first term, and 136 his second. In total, he sponsored 14 successful pieces of legislation and co-sponsored 98 successful bills. Cornell du Houx won the Reed Award for the best public affairs campaign in 2011 after he co-founded and ran Operation Free, a coalition of veterans working on energy and climate security. He participated and led State Department delegations to Southeast Asia. He serves and advises on the board of the Veterans Campaign, and the board of the Solon Center for Research and Publishing. He’s partnered with the Truman National Security Project, and founded the Maine New Leaders Council.
Cornell du Houx is an instructor at the Veterans Campaign and at the University of San Francisco for their Masters in Public Leadership program. He is a certified trainer with the New Leaders Council, the Truman Project, and a leadership coach with ChoiceCenter Leadership University. He served in the Marine Corps infantry and has deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. Cornell du Houx is currently a Public Affairs Officer with the Navy Reserve. Cornell du Houx earned his bachelor’s degree from Bowdoin College.