Elected Officials to Protect America (EOPA) California is a network of elected officials committed to bold climate action, environmental justice, and fossil fuel-free communities for all Californians. We work to ensure a just transition to 100% clean energy economy. 

We are also engaged in making sure offshore wind is accelerated to meet the state’s energy goals, while creating thousands of jobs for a clean energy economy.

Local officials Protecting Communities

Local elected officials are taking bold actions to protect their communities from harmful oil and gas production. EOPA California members have:

  • Created public health setbacks for oil and gas development in Arvin, Huntington Beach, and Ventura County
  • Banned fracking in Alameda, Santa Cruz Counties, and the city of Beverly Hills
  • Passed a resolution to phase out oil drilling in Culver City
  • Blocked construction of a gas-fired generating station in Oxnard
  • Announced the phase out of gas-fired plants in Los Angeles
  • Passed a Just Transition motion to plug and remediate nonproductive oil wells in Los Angeles County

Cities, towns, and counties have shown the way. See our catalog of local action to learn more. To ensure the health, safety and futures of every Californian, it’s time for the State to step up and do its part, too.

The California Polluters Pay Climate Superfund Act would require the largest fossil fuel polluters to pay their fair share for the climate damage they’ve caused and prioritize funds for the hardest hit communities. READ MORE HERE

Leaders Spotlight

Marisol Rubio

“Access to water in our Golden State is at risk of becoming more limited for everyday use like drinking, sanitation, irrigation, and agricultural needs. We must mitigate the climate crisis and accelerate our transition to a clean energy economy. Renewable energy investments will catalyze the creation of thousands of new, well-paying Californian jobs, grow our economy, and, literally save lives. ” ~ Marisol Rubio

In November of 2022, Marisol was elected to the San Ramon City Council District 4 with over 64% of the vote. She previously served as Director and Vice President of the Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD).  She has helped conserve water reliability and supply and worked to replace aging infrastructure with infrastructure supported by green renewable energy sources and always gives visibility to racial and social justice issues. 

Marisol has backed bold climate initiatives such as the California Green New Deal, Protecting the Brentwood Urban Limit Line, the Environmental and Climate Crisis Council Platform, Don’t Tax the Sun Rally, and helped organize and Co-Chair the first Contra Costa Labor-Climate Convergence and Labor Climate Task Force, to create more green jobs. 


Jovanka Beckles

“Environmental justice is a matter of survival – California oil is among the dirtiest crude in the entire world producing more pollutants and destructive gas than any other, three quarters of fracking wells in California are within 600 meters of groundwater sources; this threatens our water supply.” ~ Jovanka Beckles

Director Jovanka Beckles, Richmond AC Transit, Ward 1, is a movement organizer, a former two-term Richmond City Councilmember, a longtime leader in the Richmond Progressive Alliance, a children’s mental health professional. 

Jovanka has worked as a counselor, youth educator, team builder and strategist, client advocate, crime prevention specialist, housing case manager for the homeless, and mental health specialist for 32 years and has been a small business owner in the City of Richmond.


Alex Walker-Griffen

“This is an all hands on deck situation and everyone has a stake in what we do. The oil industry continues to rake in billions of dollars with no regard for how it hurts communities that are already suffering from inflation, and the dangerous effects of fossil fuel pollution on our health and climate. People deserve justice. ” ~ Alex Walker-Griffen, Veteran

As Frm. Mayor of Hercules, Alex Walker-Griffen, a veteran, passed a law for all new development to be one 100%  electric. Additionally, for homes  or buildings that are remodel – more than 50% has to switch  to electric. He’s currently working to bring 7 electric vehicle charging station to his city.

As a current council member he works every day for equality and equity for his community.

Featured News

MARCH 10, 2022 4:55 AM

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – “With all due respect for the work the Governor has achieved in our race to save humanity from these calamities — it’s not enough. Only he has the power with the stroke of a pen to take bolder action that would achieve the goals EOPA California has outlined,” the group said in a statement. Read more at: Sacbee 

The Atascadero News

SAN LUIS OBISPO — After successful community outreach that garnered extensive input, the City Council formally set its goals on Tuesday for the 2021-23 Financial Plan – which includes climate change issues. 

The plan will transform the city of San Luis Obispo. . . Read full article here.

Featured Work and more opportunities to take action

Local Government Action

Local governments have been enacting laws to protect their communities when the state has failed to lead the way.

Already, more than 115 local governments in California have passed more than 225 local policies to protect their communities from fossil fuels.

This includes, but is not limited to, phase-out plans on fossil fuel drilling, safety zones setbacks on oil and gas wells,  stopping offshore oil wells, climate lawsuits, divestment from fossil fuel companies,  opposing expansion of fossil fuel production and infrastructure. Read about the policies here

In December of 2022, we held an offshore wind summit in Sacramento at the California Energy Commission. We highlighted the need for these floating offshore wind farms for the state to become energy independent from fossil fuels. CA is a major fossil fuel producer, yet gas prices fluctuate and are more than twice that of other states.

California, with a goal of 25 gigawatts by 2045, has the largest offshore wind commitment. California will deploy deep-ocean floating turbines, similar to those in Europe.  The current lease areas of Morro Bay and Humboldt County in California will generate 4.5 gigawatts and power 1.6 million homes. Sign our letter.

Closing Toxic Idle Wells

There are currently 70,000 inactive and abandoned oil and gas wells in California that endanger public health and safety while producing little to no oil.Cities and counties have the power to shut them down. Learn more and take action

Exposure to toxic air contaminants and other pollution caused by oil and gas wells significantly threatens public health and disproportionately affects disadvantaged communities and people of color. EOPA is calling on Governor Newsom to take action and phase out oil and gas extraction in California for the health and safety of his constituents. Sign our letter to Governor Newsom.