
Without set-back safety zones thousands become sick – with COVID-19 there’s an increased risk for essential farm workers ​

Without set-back safety zones thousands become sick – with COVID-19 there’s an increased risk for essential farm workers Op-ed by State Rep. Mark Cardenas Some are stunned when they realize California is the third largest producer of crude oil in the United States, for the state has a reputation of being a leader fighting climate …

Without set-back safety zones thousands become sick – with COVID-19 there’s an increased risk for essential farm workers ​ Read More »

450+ Elected Officials from 40 States

Climate change exasperates violence against women worldwide — Ginsburg’s example helped mitigate bad outcomes Elected officials say if Barrett is confirmed systemic injustices, women’s rights and climate issues will get worse Last month we lost a national icon, United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RGB). Ginsburg strengthened equal rights all, protections for women …

450+ Elected Officials from 40 States Read More »

Elected Officials who are Veterans call reliance on failing oil a National Security Risk

Elected Officials who are Veterans call reliance on failing oil a National Security Risk Reliance on oil risks climate crisis worsening — veterans who are elected officials say that’s a real national security threat Bankruptcy, defeat and devaluation point to the fossil fuel era’s end — EOPA says economic future depends on clean energy Energy …

Elected Officials who are Veterans call reliance on failing oil a National Security Risk Read More »

More of Arizona’s public lands are at risk – help me save them

More of Arizona’s public lands are at risk – help me save them By State Rep. Debra Sariñana, math teacher and military veteran New Mexicans were disheartened and angered about government shutdown. According to a WalletHub study, New Mexico was one of the hardest hit, especially our outdoor recreation economy, which generates $9.9 billion in …

More of Arizona’s public lands are at risk – help me save them Read More »

EOPA says Bernhardt is in too deep with oil bosses to become the Secretary of Interior

More of Arizona’s public lands are at risk – help me save them By Ramona du Houx The Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) spends more than $1 million per year to push its agenda in Congress and federal regulatory agencies. Gathered for a private meeting in June 2017, oil executives who make up IPAA …

EOPA says Bernhardt is in too deep with oil bosses to become the Secretary of Interior Read More »