May 2019

100+ Local Electeds Launch New Network with Letter Calling on Gov. Brown to Phase Out Oil and Gas Production in CA

SACRAMENTO, Calif.— Echoing serious concerns from citizens whose health and safety are threatened by fossil fuel production, a group of more than 100 local elected officials across California sent a letter to Governor Jerry Brown today calling for a statewide plan to phase out oil and gas drilling.

Today’s letter marks the launch of Elected Officials to Protect California, an independent elected officials network working to demand an end to the dirty fossil fuel extraction that harms their constituents and the environment. The network is urging Gov. Brown to take the first step by halting permits for new fossil fuel projects, prohibiting drilling within 2,500 feet of homes and vulnerable areas and committing the state to 100 percent renewable energy.

“Oil fields make dreadful neighbors. In Culver City, we’re taking steps to end oil extraction in our city,” said Meghan Sahli-Wells, Vice Mayor of Culver City. “I urge Governor Brown to follow suit and protect Californians’ health and our planet’s future from dirty drilling operations.”