After climate summit, 250 CA mayors, officials urge Gov. Brown to walk his talk, end permitting of fossil fuels

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.— Days after Governor Jerry Brown hosted the U.N. Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco, 250 mayors, county supervisors, and elected officials from a majority of counties across California are urging the Governor to walk his talk on climate leadership by creating a statewide plan to phase out oil and gas drilling that is harming public health and worsening climate change.

“The Governor says that no state has done more on climate change,” said Culver City Vice Mayor Meghan Sahli-Wells, co-chair of Elected Officials to Protect California. “Tell that to the 5.4 million Californians that live with a mile of oil and gas wells, including in my community, breathing poisoned air from dirty drilling.”

A growing bipartisan network of state, county, and city officials, which launched as Elected Officials to Protect California in June, is continuing to press Gov. Brown and the state of California more broadly to end oil and gas drilling after the Summi

100+ Local Electeds Launch New Network with Letter Calling on Gov. Brown to Phase Out Oil and Gas Production in CA

SACRAMENTO, Calif.— Echoing serious concerns from citizens whose health and safety are threatened by fossil fuel production, a group of more than 100 local elected officials across California sent a letter to Governor Jerry Brown today calling for a statewide plan to phase out oil and gas drilling.

Today’s letter marks the launch of Elected Officials to Protect California, an independent elected officials network working to demand an end to the dirty fossil fuel extraction that harms their constituents and the environment. The network is urging Gov. Brown to take the first step by halting permits for new fossil fuel projects, prohibiting drilling within 2,500 feet of homes and vulnerable areas and committing the state to 100 percent renewable energy.

“Oil fields make dreadful neighbors. In Culver City, we’re taking steps to end oil extraction in our city,” said Meghan Sahli-Wells, Vice Mayor of Culver City. “I urge Governor Brown to follow suit and protect Californians’ health and our planet’s future from dirty drilling operations.”

Supermajority of San Francisco Supervisors, 100+ Bay Area Officials Call on Gov. Brown to Phase Out Oil and Gas Production in California

Supermajority of San Francisco Supervisors, 100+ Bay Area Officials Call on Gov. Brown to Phase Out Oil and Gas Production in California
A Week from Global Climate Summit, Host City Elected Officials & Hundreds More Say Keeping State’s Fossil Fuels in the Ground Necessary to Protect Public Health and Lead on Climate Change

50+ Bay Area Officials Call on Gov. Brown to Phase Out Oil and Gas Production in California

OAKLAND, Calif.— Echoing severe concerns that fossil fuel production threatens the health and safety of residents, scores of Bay Area officials are joining with more than 150 local officials from a majority of counties across California calling on Governor Jerry Brown calling for a statewide plan to phase out oil and gas drilling.

The growing network of state, county, and city officials, Elected Officials to Protect California, is taking action both within their respective districts and across California to end the extraction of dirty fossil fuel that harms their constituents and the environment. The network is urging Gov. Brown to take the first step by halting permits for new fossil fuel projects, prohibiting drilling within 2,500 feet of homes and vulnerable areas and committing the state to 100 percent renewable energy.

“Despite its reputation as a global climate leader, California is one of the nation’s top oil-producing states. As we see the crisis of growing fires, we should take the opportunity to improve both our economy and our public health by moving toward more sustainable transportation and energy strategies that benefit our community,” said Rebecca Kaplan, Councilmember, City of Oakland.